
Geospatial Raster Data Access for Programmers and Future Programmers

Sean Gillies @Mapbox

SciPy 2014 ∙ Austin ∙ July 9

Programming with Raster data

  • What's the Mapbox Satellite team up to?
  • Why Linux, GDAL, and SciPy?
  • Why a new Python geospatial data library?
  • What is Rasterio and how do you use it?

Mapbox Cloudless Atlas

From cloudy scenes


  • Scene selection (season and cloudiness)
  • Atmospheric correction and reflectance normalization
  • Score every pixel of every source image
  • No cutlines
  • Pixel by pixel

High scoring pixels

Low scoring pixels

Earth is a cloudy planet

  • 50-70% mean cloud cover over land
  • Landsat 8 doesn't yet have cloud-free imagery everywhere
  • So we also use Landsat 7

Scan Line Correction

Landsat SLC-Off Imagery

  • Since May 2003
  • Without it we don't have enough cloudless pixels
  • It complicates things
  • A lot



  • Transform the image using a Fast Fourier Transform
  • Locate the artifact peaks
  • Remove the artifacts
  • Transform the image back using an inverse transform

Solving the problems

  • We have no off-the-shelf solutions
  • Trial and error is involved

Cloudless Atlas Software Requirements

  1. Rapid prototyping and iteration
  2. Proven algorithms and drivers
  3. Ability to deploy to 100s of servers

Software stack

  • 1 and 3 argue for open source
  • 1 argues for a high-level language with handy multi-dimensional array syntax
  • 2 argues for LAPACK (&c) and GDAL
  • The fit: Linux, Python, Numpy, Scipy

GDAL Python bindings?

  • Very C++ style interface
  • Failure to keep SWIG and C issues in mind results in crashing programs
  • We can do better

Scipy-style raster data library requirements

  1. Read/write ndarrays from/to data files
  2. Python types, protocols and idioms instead of C/C++ ones
  3. Free programmers from having to think about C/C++ (memory management, pointers, &c)

Rasterio's Design

  • A Python package at the top
  • Extension modules (using Cython) in the middle
  • Fast loops, typed memoryviews, "nogil" blocks
  • GDAL shared library on the bottom

Reading data

import rasterio

with rasterio.open(path) as src:
    bands = [src.read_band(i) for i in src.indexes]
  • open() gives you a file-like dataset object
  • read_band() gives you a Numpy ndarray
  • Read windows of data with extended slice-like syntax

Writing data

kwargs = src.meta

with rasterio.open(path, 'w', **kwargs) as dst:
    for i, arr in zip(dst.indexes, bands):
        dst.write_band(i, arr)
  • Get keyword args needed to open a dataset for writing from another dataset
  • write_band() takes an ndarray
  • You can also write to windows of a dataset


Rasterio follows the lead of pyproj

>>> import rasterio
>>> src = rasterio.open('rasterio/tests/data/RGB.byte.tif')
>>> src.crs
{'units': 'm', 'zone': 18, 'ellps': 'WGS84', 'proj': 'utm', 'no_defs': True}


  • rasterio.features.shapes() yields all the features of an array as GeoJSON-like objects
  • rasterio.features.rasterize() "burns" GeoJSON-like objects into an array
  • Dicts, iterators, tuples, ndarrays
  • No datasets or layers necessary

{'coordinates': [[(71.0, 6.0), ...]], 'type': 'Polygon'}, ...


  • rasterio.warp.reproject() maps elements of one array to another, using cartographic projections
  • No datasets or layers required
  • Data created in non-GIS programs can be reprojected for use with GIS programs


  • The Mapbox Satellite team has interesting problems
  • Linux, Python, Numpy, Scipy, GDAL, and Rasterio are big parts of the solutions
  • Rasterio aims to make GIS data more accessible to Python programmers
  • And help GIS analysts learn important Python protocols and idioms



Debanding Blog Post

https://www.mapbox.com/blog/debanding-the-world/ by Amit Kapadia

Thank You!

